Hi, I'm Penne

  • Female
  • 04/01/2023
  • $200 AUD. $100 Seniors Card discount offered. Other variations may apply.
This greyhound can live with another canine friend.
This greyhound would prefer your companionship most of the time.
We believe this greyhound could cope without human company for up to six hours.
We believe this greyhound would be suited to live with children of eight years and older.

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Treat yourself to a taste of Italy with our super gorgeous and friendly Penne! If she isn’t roaching in style on her mat, listening to her new family chatting over dinner, Penne would enjoy them taking her on a daily 20 minute walk, before she gets back to her important job of snoozing. Social Penne would suit all types of families, if they have children, she would best suit those that are aged over nine. Penne would also enjoy a family with an existing medium to large doggy companion. A genuine allrounder, active Penne is also quite independent and is happy being on her own for up to six hours, as she just loves, loves, loves playing with her toys.

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